Our Programs
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Throughout the school year our PTA hosts a wide variety of fun and engaging programs.
These can sometimes take a lot of volunteers to execute. If you are interested in volunteering please let us know.

Art Docents
Before & After School Programs
After School programs is a selection of PTA-supported programs offered to students at Cedar Wood. For more information about dates, times and costs, visit the Before and After School Enrichment page.
Birthday Book Club
Celebrate your child’s birthday by donating a book to the Cedar Wood Library in their name. Thank you for supporting the Cedar Wood Library! For more information from our librarian and how to join, visit the Birthday Book Club page.
Community Outreach
Community Partners
Support the PTA while you do your everyday shopping! See how you can give to the school without any extra cost—visit our Reward Shopping page.
Friendship Directory
Deadline to turn in a directory waiver is October 11, 2024
What is the Friendship Directory? It is a booklet that gets sent home to every family in the fall. It contains helpful information about the school, school district, and lists all the teachers as well as students whose parents fill out a waiver.
Why does Cedar Wood PTA put together a student directory? Can’t I just ask my student’s teacher? Due to privacy laws, the teachers and staff of Cedar Wood are not allowed to share student contact information, so the PTA helps fill this gap by putting together a directory of students and other very useful information!
How does PTA get the information for the directory? Directly from families. We are only allowed to include students with a current waiver on file. Waivers need to be filled out every year.
What if I don’t want my personal information in the directory? Simply don’t fill out a waiver. You may put in whatever information you are comfortable with. You may either not turn in a current waiver or fill one out stating you don’t want to be included.
What if my student isn’t listed, does our family still receive a directory? Even if you opt to not have your student(s) listed, every family still receives a directory.
5th Grade Celebration
Twice a year, the PTA funds grant requests from Cedar Wood staff. To learn more about what we fund or to apply for a grant, visit the Grants page.
Read-at-Home (AquaSox)
The Reflections Program is a National PTA and WSPTA cultural arts competition. The purpose is to provide an opportunity for students to use their creative talents by expressing themselves through their own original works. For more information, visit the Reflections page.
Running Club
Cedar Wood’s PE Teacher, Mrs. Reese, heads this FREE activity, open to all students. Runners meet on Fridays before school, track their miles, and earn charms to hang on a shoelace necklace. For more information or to get this year’s gear, visit the Before and After School Enrichment page.
Spirit Wear
Show your Cedar Wood pride withSpirit Wear! No order deadlines, and orders will be delivered straight to your door all year long. View the Spirit Wear store here.
Staff Appreciation
Our programs and events don’t happen without the generosity of our volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering for an event or committee, visit the Volunteer page.
Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students)
Watch DOGS are dads and other father figures who spend a full day at Cedar Wood helping in the classroom, playing at recess, and squeezing into tiny tables at lunch. For more information visit the Watch DOGS page.
Welcome Committee
In the spring, we organize, publish and sell a yearbook. For more information or to purchase your book, visit the Yearbook page.

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