
There are many ways you can get involved!

Volunteers are a vital part of our PTA programs. There’s something for everyone!
Fun fact: You do NOT need to be a PTA Member or have a student attending Cedar Wood to volunteer!

Want to volunteer on campus? Get approved first!

If you would like to volunteer at a PTA event or on campus/in the classroom at Cedar Wood Elementary, you must first complete and submit a volunteer application (Hint: look for the QUICKLINKS on the right hand side) and background check with the Everett Public School District. Once accepted your volunteer status will be good for 2 years. Thank you for understanding.

fall festival volunteers
volunteers with whale mascot
reflections volunteers

We are always looking for capable volunteers with a knack for leadership who love to work with children and adults. If you fit this description and have some time to spare, this may be a great opportunity to show off those talents and gain some leadership experience! What better reward than getting to know your community and school better—for the enrichment of your child? There’s something for everyone! No job is too small and your help is always appreciated! 

Want to get more involved? Consider the executive committee or committee chair positions.

Don’t want to be in a leadership position but still want to help? While it’s true that we need leaders, equally important are volunteers who just want to lend a hand. There are many positions that are fun and easy to do, that do not require huge time commitments. Please take a look at the many committees that are the muscle of the PTA organization. Go to the Committee Descriptions page for a list of all committee positions and their respective job descriptions. We also have a current contact list of those committee chairs if you’d like to ask them questions and find out how you can help. It’s never too late!

Check with your employer’s HR department to find out if they will donate to Cedar Wood PTA for your time volunteering in your child’s classroom and other school events!

Current Volunteer Opportunities


Art Docent sign up  click here

General Volunteer Information


If you have any questions about volunteering or if you have a question about a volunteer sign-up, email Aanya Levine, volunteer coordinator at Volunteer@CedarWoodPTA.org.

We are always looking for volunteers to fill positions of committee chairs, co-chairs, apprentices or helpers. If you haven’t volunteered before, no worries! Training opportunities are offered throughout the year. If you have any questions about volunteering as a committee chair, email Amy Weiher, President@CedarWoodPTA.org.

Stay up to date on all things PTA every week with the Sea Wolf Weekly—delivered straight into your inbox.